Councils in New Zealand have a range of different functions that the public can provide input into. Its important to be aware of Council consultation processes as they can have a real impact on your ability to use your land in the way you want to in the future.
The Christchurch City Council has recently notified Proposed Plan Change 1 to the Christchurch District Plan. It proposes changes to the Risk Management Areas in the District Plan, and includes properties within the risk management area that were previously not included.
This may have an impact on what activities you could carry out on your property in the future. If you are affected, it is important that you submit on the Proposed Plan Change so the Council is aware of your concerns, and to seek changes if necessary.
Our staff at Avanzar Consulting are experienced in preparing submissions. We can help you to determine whether or not you are affected by proposed changes. We can then assist you to prepare your submission if you require guidance. Contact us on 03 358 1117 to discuss this further!