As stated in the headline in the Christchurch Press, “Redevelopment plans for Lyttelton’s Naval Point are finally being considered”. As a local resident I would definitely agree with the inclusion of the word “finally”, particularly when you consider that the previous marina was destroyed by a storm in 2000!
The Council is asking for submissions on the proposal by 28th July. It has proposed two options for consultation, however it wants to receive all views people might have on the redevelopment. Essentially, Option 1 involves retention of the recreation ground in its current location, retention of the scout building, relocation of the rugby pavilion, provision of 270 car and boat parks and the establishment of a solid breakwater to give partial protection to the public boat ramp. Option 2 involves the Council acquiring 1.2 hectares of land, the reorientation of the recreation ground, construction of a floating breakwater to protect the public boat ramp, relocation of the scout building and rugby club and provision of 400 car and boat parks. Both options include the provision for a new building for the Naval Point Club and the coast guard, and the provision of pedestrian connections. In Option one pedestrian connections are provided along Godley Quay, Charlotte Jane Quay and the waterfront. In Option two this is there is also provision for access along the rail corridor. Both options involve the removal of the existing haul out area and do not include any future provision for haul out facilities.
Option two is more expensive than Option one due to the inclusion of the floating breakwater, rotating the sports fields and some additional roading infrastructure. Option two however has the advantage of providing increased capacity, better connectivity, more car and boat parking and greater protection for the public boat ramp.
I attended a meeting at Naval Point Club about the redevelopment. At the meeting, Paul Devlin (Council Head Ranger, Ports Hills and Banks Peninsula), said the Council was keen to know all views including what people would “die in the ditch for”, the relative priority of land/sea facilities and how the redevelopment should be staged. From the Council’s point of view, the main issues seemed to be the provision of improved recreational facilities for the enjoyment of all the people of Christchurch, separation of activities from fuel tanks, the need for control of hazardous substances in association with any haul out facility, and ongoing maintenance of the area.
Club members were pleased that redevelopment was being considered. A major concern however was the removal of the haul out yard as such facilities are essential to enable boat owners to maintain their vessels, and the retention of the ability to provide members with access to facilities that they would otherwise not have access to. It was also noted at the meeting that Naval Point is a unique resource as it is the only area close to Christchurch that is suitable for the safe launching of marine craft with adjacent flat land and as such, its use for this purpose should be prioritised.
People’s views on how Naval Point should be redeveloped will vary depending on their perspective and interests. It’s for this reason that it is important that everyone with an interest in the redevelopment of Naval Point makes a submission to the Council regarding the plan. To make a submission to to:…/consultations-an…/haveyoursay/show/248